Weight loss coaching can be defined as helping clients gain the knowledge, skills, tools, and confidence to become active participants in their fat loss so that they can reach their own weight loss goals, prevent disease, promote health, and improve quality of life.
Today, with all the myths, misinformation, and disinformation that surround fat loss, muscle gain, fitness, nutrition, and overall health, one needs to be a health guru, without outside influences and sponsorships, to understand all the fabricated complexities and confusion.
“Health and wellness coaching (HWC) for lifestyle behavior change is emerging as a potentially effective tool to prevent and treat chronic disease.”
Best Online Weight Loss Coach
Jesse Wright has a Master of Science in Health & Human Performance, a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, and has personally tested out every diet, exercise program, and has read over 200 fitness/nutrition books, so you don’t have to. Jesse has successfully helped thousands of people, just like you, to achieve their dreams, without killing themselves at the gym or having to give up their favorite foods.
As a powerlifter, bodybuilder, trail runner, personal trainer, snowboarder, mtb/cyclist, and professional marketer, Jesse will cut through the bullshit and guide you on the differences between what is healthy and what is crap, wrapped up in pseudo-science and shoved down your throats by corporate interests.
The ability to critically think while not chasing media-driven fads and propaganda is vital for your health, both physically and emotionally. Very few people understand how to obtain optimal health and wellness.
(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)
change your habits, change your life
Over 40% of everyday behavior is repeated in the form of habits, which shape our current existence and create our future. If you are looking to lose weight and improve your life, then the first step is changing your habits. Change your habits, change your life.
Many people confuse habits with willpower. Once habits are formed, they become encoded right into the structure of your brain and cannot be easily erased. The only way to replace old habits is to rewire your brain with stronger habits, created through a new routine that.
7 healthy habits
Seven healthy habits, commonly referred to as the “Alameda 7,” from a longitudinal study (20 year period) in Alameda County, California, were shown to associate 7 key habits with physical health and longevity:
No smoking
Less than 5 alcoholic drinks
7 - 8 hours of sleep a night
Regular exercise
Maintaining a desirable weight relative to height
Avoiding snacks
Eating breakfast regularly
While all 7 of these are commonsense, they are all general principles without specific guidance, which don’t provide much useful insight or actionable steps. This is where Jesse comes in, as he can provide a specific plan, that has bite-sized action-steps, that become healthy habits.
Superfood or fad??
Common weight loss myths
There are thousands of weight loss myths out there, but Jesse outlined a few key ones that are holding you back.
The Keto diet - The ketogenic diet, which is low carb (20 to 50 grams), which results in 1 - 10+ pounds of weight loss during the first week. This is because the glycogen that is stored in your body is bound with water (3 to 1 ratio). When you burn through these stored carbs without replacing them, your body will excrete out this excess water, resulting in weight loss, albeit entirely from water.
You Just need to exercise more - 85 - 90% of fat loss is related to nutrition. You can’t out-exercise a bad diet, meaning, if you eat like crap, you can run a marathon every day and still not be slim and fit.
You need superfoods for optimal health and weight loss- There is no such thing as a “superfood.” The acai berry, for example, has been marketed with an exotic backstory that claims to “unlock the energy of the Amazon.” In 2013, the Federal Trade Commission charged multiple eCommerce stores with penalities of nearly 10 million USD, due to false marketing about acai’s weight loss benefits.
Contact Jesse Wright for a free consultation
Sources & References
DaisyFig. “English: The Eight Dimensions of Wellness.” Wikimedia Commons, 5 June 2017, commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Eight_Dimensions_of_Wellness.png.
Federal Trade Commission. “FTC Permanently Stops Fake News Website Operator That Allegedly Deceived Consumers about Acai Berry Weight-Loss Products.” Federal Trade Commission, 7 Feb. 2013, www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2013/02/ftc-permanently-stops-fake-news-website-operator-allegedly.
Gordon, N. F., Salmon, R. D., Wright, B. S., Faircloth, G. C., Reid, K. S., & Gordon, T. L. (2016). Clinical Effectiveness of Lifestyle Health Coaching: Case Study of an Evidence-Based Program. American journal of lifestyle medicine, 11(2), 153–166. https://doi.org/10.1177/1559827615592351
Kennel J. (2018). Health and Wellness Coaching Improves Weight and Nutrition Behaviors. American journal of lifestyle medicine, 12(6), 448–450. https://doi.org/10.1177/1559827618792846
Schoenborn C. A. (1986). Health habits of U.S. adults, 1985: the "Alameda 7" revisited. Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974), 101(6), 571–580.
Stoewen D. L. (2017). Dimensions of wellness: Change your habits, change your life. The Canadian veterinary journal = La revue veterinaire canadienne, 58(8), 861–862.