“There are hundreds of gun cleaning products on the market, and they all work in some manner or fashion. Do not use water and do not use WD-40 to clean guns.”
Can I use WD-40 on my guns?
WD-40 is NOT a protectant, cleaner, nor lubricant and should NOT be used on firearms.
There are three reasons we use gun oil:
Below, I will discuss how WD-40 performs in each of those roles.
Since WD-40 is primarily a solvent it seems to make sense that it would be ideal for cleaning guns. However, cleaning your guns with WD40 is NOT advisable.
Solvents, such as WD40, don’t remove any gunk or slime.
Solvents dissolve gunk, which then moves the dissolved goo to another area of your gun that you cannot see.
Using an aerosol solvent simply “shoots” all the gunk into tiny crevices in your firearm, making them even harder to clean and can lead to “gumming” up.
WD-40 is a solvent and NOT a lubricant. Because it evaporates so quickly WD-40 does not function well as a lubricant in guns. Between the time you spray it on the chamber or slide and the time you load your rounds and start firing, it would almost certainly be evaporated, leaving your gun bone dry.
MYTH: WD-40 is a lubricant.
FACT: “WD” stand for “Water Displacement” and is primarily a solvent.
As stated above, WD-40 evaporates so quickly, that it won’t protect your gun for very long. Before storing your firearms in a gun safe for long periods, an actual oil should be used (oil doesn’t evaporate and will protect your firearm from rusts).
WD-40 is mostly comprised of mineral spirits. Once these mineral spirits evaporate, your gun will be left with unprotected metal and your firearm will start to rust.
WD40 & exceptions
There are only two situations where WD-40 can/should be used:
In an emergency
Such as dropping your gun in a lake or puddle.
When disassembling your gun
It’s okay to use WD-40 for a deep cleaning when you disassemble your firearm. Especially if your gun contains moisture. “WD” will displace the water and keep it from rusting so long as you thoroughly clean after using WD40 and apply oil before storing your firearm.
Valentina is a guide for Pedal Chile and is our resident badass. Valentina was born and raised on a sheep farm in La Patagonia, which explains her affinity for adventuring and guns. Hobbies: Bookworm, geographer, cycling, mtb, and blowing sh*t up. Favorite Season: Austral summer.
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Sources & References for “Can I Use WD40 On My Gun?”
Gaeddert, Dan. “Question: Can I Use WD40 to Clean Guns? [Ill-Advised].” Best Reloading Press, 9 Apr. 2018, reloadingpresso.com/can-use-wd40-clean-guns/.
GunTortureTests. “Gun Myths Debunked Ep. 2: WD-40.” Www.youtube.com, 10 Sept. 2014, www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zxliQcKYkk.
Keleher, Mike. Pheasant Hunting Tactics. United States, Mike-Keleher-Black Rifle Ranch, 2013.
Safety Data Sheet California CARB Compliant 1 -Identification Product Name: WD-40 Multi-Use Product Aerosol Product Use: Lubricant, Penetrant, Drives out Moisture, Removes and Protects Surfaces from Corrosion Restrictions on Use: None Identified SDS. , 2019.
Thornton, Lee. You’re Doing It Wrong! : How to Improve Your Life by Fixing Everyday Tasks You (and Everyone Else) Are Totally Screwing Up. Avon, Mass., Adams Media, 2012.
Wired Staff. “What’s inside WD-40? Superlube’s Secret Sauce.” Wired, 20 Apr. 2009, www.wired.com/2009/04/st-whatsinside-6/.